As the head of publications at Gerakbudaya, I oversaw the production of numerous titles, including Hades by Aishah Zainal, which was longlisted for the Dublin Literary Award 2024

Formerly content editor for MSN, subeditor for Malaysiakini and The Rakyat Times, and editor at Marshall Cavendish

Credited as co-editor in Critical Perspectives on Literature and Culture in the New World Order

I have also edited a wide variety of texts as a freelancer, including books, theses and articles


Winner of the Muara Writing Prize 2023 for my short story 'Killing Fields'

Author of the Malaysia chapters in the 2018 and 2019 IFJ-SEAJU media freedom reports


My writing has also appeared in Esquire,, Junk, EPL and more


Book covers and drafts

Illustrations for Tenaganita's Trapped Trades: Unseen, Unheard, Unspoken



My past works can be found on Behance